
The journey started in the year 2003. Learning languages as a hobby, turned into a part-time profession and later as a main profession. Since then, StudioDK has completed many translations work in various languages. Started working as a freelance translator now expanded the database for freelancers and outsourcers. Worked for various agencies from India, Russia, Finland, UK, USA, Germany, France, Palestine, Ukraine, Belarus, Spain, and Brazil, Egypt, Czech Republic, China, and the list is growing.


Our Services

Technical Support

You can always contact me anytime for any technical support in translation industry. I am happy to help you. Page formatting as per source document, Image translation, AutoCAD translations and many more formats can be handled smoothly and effectively.

Customer Support

You will always find me in a reachable limit while the project is going or or after project completion also. You can contact me by Skype, e-mails, WhatsApp, telephone, etc. your satisfaction is my motto and I am always committed to provide you good and excellent results

Formats Handled

Following are the formats/files handled: Pdf > AutoCAD Word > Images Xls > Manuscripts PPT > Srt Sdlx > Ttx Xliff > All Subtitling

Professional Media Presence

You can always find me on following professional media:




Translation Services

The translation and allied services will be provided at very competitive and affordable rates. Translation and allied services will be charged per source word, while Subtitling and allied services will be charged on per minute or per-hour basis. Depending on the volume of the project, the charges can be worked out.

Personal Involvement and project Confidentiality

Following are the formats/files handled: Personal attention to every translation project (irrespective of volume) is paid. as learning languages is always my hobby that turned into profession, so I always enjoy the translation project maintaining the gravity and confidentiality of the project.


Translation Package


Translation, Proofreading, Editing

The charges may vary project to project basis. However, you will always find the charges competitive. the invoice clearing dates will be between 30 to 45 days, standard. and charges will be as low as:


per word

*T&C applied.


Transcreation, Transliteration, Transcription

The charges may vary project to project basis. For large volume project (50+ hours) the charges will be lowest in the industry and as low as :


per minute

*T&C applied.


Subtitling, Editing, Srt formats

The charges may vary project to project basis. The Charges for subtitling will be lowest in the industry for large volume projects (50+ hours) and as low as:


per minute

*T&C applied.

Voice Over

Broadcast, Non-Broadcast, VOD

Voice-over service is also started for English, Russian, Uzbek, Spanish, French, Danish, and Portuguese languages. Broadcast and Non-Broadcast, VOD, Lector Dubbing, and Audio description

Contact me for more details and charges




Studio.DK accepts payment through the following gateways:

Local Bank Deposits
Global Bank Deposits

The invoice will be generated in your local currency, with local collection bank details, where you can simply pay online like a local bank deposit.

To make the process hassle-free, now you can deposit money in 37+ global currencies through SWIFT/Wire.